Expert Injury Treatments From an Orthopedic Surgeon
In the event that you’ve been injured in an accident, you can count on us for professional and comprehensive care. We have decades of experience treating personal injury cases and are proud to offer these services to the residents of Los Angeles County, Orange County, CA, and the Inland Empire.
Why Choose Coast Spine and Sport Medicine for Personal Injury Treatment?
We have over 30 years of experience dealing with various levels of trauma, including vehicular accidents and other serious injuries. We’ve managed the treatment of spinal injuries that range from whiplash to spinal fracture and spinal cord injuries. We will use the latest orthopedic techniques to provide you with exceptional care. This begins with an extensive evaluation of your condition, regardless of injury severity. We will perform the appropriate diagnostic testing, which will enable us to recommend the best course of treatment for your condition.
Treatment Strategy
We will provide you with prompt treatment, provide detailed and continued reports of your progress, and provide you with the latest therapeutic and surgical treatments as needed.
Dr. Moheimani works with attorneys to ensure that their personal-injury clients receive the most advanced treatment and services required to restore them to health. Our treatment strategy is to improve your client’s well-being and happiness, no matter how severe the injury.
With more than 30 years of highly successful med-legal work, Dr. Moheimani is well equipped to provide the best care for your client along with great medical-legal reporting to document his treatment.
Do I Need an Attorney for Personal Injury Treatment?
You do not need an attorney handling your case before beginning treatment at our practice. We encourage patients to schedule their visits as soon as possible if they are injured in an accident. If you choose to retain an attorney, we will be happy to work with your attorney in order to continue providing you with exceptional care.
We will regularly send prompt reports so they can chart your progress as needed. Should your case ever become litigated, we are able to provide depositions and court testimony.
If you have retained an attorney, we can provide our services on a lien agreement. Click the lien agreement button at the top of the website and download the form that you and your attorney can fill out.
Expert evaluations can be provided through a retainer agreement, please contact our office for the written agreement and fee schedule.
Do I Need Insurance for Personal Injury Treatment?
We are proud to treat patients both with and without insurance. We are prepared to work with your health or automobile insurance companies if necessary. If you do not have insurance, there are financing options available through CareCredit® for your convenience.
If you have retained an attorney, we can provide our services on a lien agreement. Click the lien agreement button at the top of the website and download the form that you and your attorney can fill out.
Expert evaluations can be provided through a retainer agreement, please contact our office for the written agreement and fee schedule.
What Are the Services Available for Personal Injury Patients?
We provide comprehensive pain management services, whether it is oral medications, cutting-edge injection techniques, noninvasive laser treatments, or other therapies. We provide epidurals, facet blocks, radiofrequency ablations, and dorsal column stimulators to control pain. All injections are performed accurately using ultrasound guidance or fluoroscopic guidance. For joint injuries, we can perform a minimally invasive arthroscopic evaluation.
If initial therapy methods fail, we can provide the latest injection techniques, including PRP, stem cell injections, and genicular nerve blocks to help manage pain and avoid surgery. We also offer routine arthroscopic surgeries and other advanced techniques for extreme cases. Although we always try to avoid surgery when possible, we do offer surgical options.
These will be discussed if deemed necessary. We aim to incorporate minimally invasive techniques whenever possible, even for injuries that affect the spine. If pain management techniques fail, we will provide you advice regarding surgical options including microdiscectomy, endoscopic discectomy, disc arthroplasty, or disc fusion. All use minimally invasive techniques.
What Is Involved in Personal Injury Treatment?
When you come in for personal injury treatment, we will start by evaluating your injuries in detail. We will then prepare a comprehensive report that can be used by insurance company adjusters or attorneys so that they can obtain a good understanding of the extent of your injuries. To do this, we will use on-site digital X-ray, fluoroscopes, and ultrasound technology.
After a comprehensive evaluation, we will refer you to an appropriate physical therapist, chiropractor, or acupuncturist whom we have worked with and have great confidence in. We will work with your insurance for this process to make sure you are receiving care that works best for you.
If you fail to improve with the initial methods used in recoveries, such as physical therapy, chiropractic, or acupuncture care, we will then refer you to centers for diagnostic testing. This testing may include a CAT scan, an MRI, or bone scans. Referrals to other specialists to perform EMG/NCV studies or neurological assessments can also be carried out if necessary.
If you are seeking treatment for a personal injury case, don’t hesitate to contact us today and schedule your initial appointment. Coast Spine and Sport Medicine welcomes patients from Los Angeles County, Orange County, and the Inland Empire.